Aquarius 2022 Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Your home life is going to be a huge focus for you in 2022 Aquarius. What is home to you? Maybe you’ve been moving or traveling a lot recently. You’ll become more introspective this year to understand, why you are the way that you are.

You’re also taking yourself much more seriously this year Aquarius. You might start wanting to be more disciplined with your fitness routine or how you physically take care of yourself. You’re  learning more about yourself this year, and how you can be your own best friend.


Aquarius, you’re really going to be working on your work-life balance in 2022. You might still be getting some unexpected news come up for you in terms of work and where you’re living, but you’re learning how to handle things better, and which jobs suit you. Your finances will start growing this year, and you’re VERY open to receiving!

From May 11th to July 29th, you might be getting more speaking engagements, especially within your local community. This is a year where your career will feel a bit on auto pilot, but opportunities will just flow naturally to you. Trust your intuition when it comes to your career.


In 2022, your priority is yourself Aquarius, but you’re going to try to see who can match your energy. You might be uncovering a lot more of your past and family roots, to embrace more of who you are. From October 30th to the end of the year, you’ll be rethinking how you express yourself, how you have fun, and your dating life.

You’re trying to cultivate more peace this year, and becoming more introspective on your family patterns. Remember, you not be able to control your external circumstances, but you can choose how to react. Change starts with you. 

You’re feeling better about your own self worth, and learning how to see just how worthy you are to love. Come Leo season starting August 22nd, you’ll feel more pulled into your 1-on-1 relationships. 

Key terms: Home, Introspection, Roots, Work-life balance, Finances, Self worth, Sense of Self, Responsibility

I’m happy for you Aquarius, I can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for you!

If you want to get excited and plan to make 2022 your best year yet, you can book a personal reading with me. Spots are limited.

Don’t know your Rising / Ascendant sign? Find out using this free chart generator.

Learn more about your Sun and Moon signs on my Youtube channel here.


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