Scorpio 2022 Horoscope
Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.
Scorpio, in 2022, you’re heavily focusing on your relationships, and how you act within them. Don’t get me wrong, you’ve been focusing on relationships for awhile, but now you’re seeing yourself differently within them. You might be wanting to give more this year. Some people might still be coming in and out of your life Scorpio, so your lesson this year is, are your relationships benefiting you both? How can you detach from specific people, but trust you’re aligning to those with similar values as you? Are you being honest about your needs? You’ll gain more clarity on this throughout the year.
You’re going to have so much fun this year Scorpio! You’re learning how to structure your home life and prioritize internal peace to make space for your career this year.
If you’re an artist (fyi, we all are), you might really expand on your creative techniques, strategies and expression this year. This is a great year to expand your network through creative business partnerships. You might have more opportunities to be creative at work! From May 11th to July 29th, your day-to-day life gets an added boost and you might start seeing more opportunities. I’d caution to not put too much on your plate. This however, gives you some luck, so be sure to say yes to the opportunities that excite you, and remember, saying no to those that don’t is a good thing. Prioritize safe fun this year Scorpio, it’s going to benefit all areas of your life.
Scorpio, relationships take the forefront for you this year. You’re going to really learn what you can do to make you feel safe and secure at home, before going out on fun dates. If you’ve been wanting to have a child for awhile, it might happen this year. If you haven’t thought about kids, this might be the year you birth more creative projects out into the world! You’re going to be seeking stability within community even more than last year.
From October 30th till the end of the year, you might be rethinking a lot of your investments, family cycles and how you can be more vulnerable. How can you feel safer to express yourself in relationships? What cycles are you trying to break? What do you need to ask of your 1-on-1 relationships so you can show up authentically yourself?
This is going to be a fun year for you Scorpio, I’ll be waiting for my party invites.
Key terms: 1-on-1 Relationships, Creativity, Self Expression, Children, Routine, Home
If you want to get excited and plan to make 2022 your best year yet, you can book a personal reading with me. Only a few spots available.
Don’t know your Rising / Ascendant sign? Find out using this free chart generator.
Learn more about your Sun and Moon signs on my Youtube channel here.