Your SPECIAL Saturn Return Guide
What you NEED to know about surviving (and thriving!) in your Saturn Return 📖
From Adele to Ariana Grande, Saturn Returns has gotten more popular amongst celebrities. Now, maybe we all might not experience devastating divorces— yet we can face some challenges in other areas of our lives.
This much feared astrological transit is one that holds a lot of weight— and interestingly enough, Saturn represents fear.
But what in fact, is your Saturn Return?
Big daddy Saturn gets a bad rep!
That’s mainly because Saturn represents hard lessons, authority, reality, commitment, discipline, boundaries, fear, restriction, time and hard work.
Your Saturn return is when the transiting Saturn (where Saturn currently is), returns to the exact position it was at the time of your birth.
This time period is one where you start to realize— no one is going to save you but yourself.
You could feel more frustrated, restricted, lonely, realistic, and somber.
Challenges such as delays, relationship conflicts, career changes could come up for you, having you contemplate your life’s structure. For example, people tend to break up in relationships that no longer serve them, or get married to commit to a stable partnership.
Yet your Saturn return can also be a beautiful time of intense growth!
We’ll dive deeper into how these themes can appear in your birth chart based on your Saturn sign, the house its in, and aspects your Saturn sign has to other planets in my upcoming course, Shining as your Authentic Self.
During someone’s Saturn Return, people tend to make serious decisions such as:
+ Get married
+ Break up
+ Get divorced
+ Go through friendship break ups
+ Have a kid
+ Get a pet
+ Publish a book
+ Move
+ Teach
+ Start a business
+ Change jobs
+ Go back to school
+ Purchase a home
Your Saturn Return is the coming of age chapter of your story.
You as the hero, start to understand—you need to take responsibility for your life.
Your first Saturn Return usually occurs between the ages of 29-31, yet this really depends on your Saturn sign and it’s degree.
You’ll have your second Saturn return around the ages of 56-60, and your third Saturn Return around the ages of 84-90.
Themes change base on which Saturn Return you are going through, and it’s important to note that if you have not learnt the lessons from your first Saturn return, things will feel a lot heavier in your second.
You can find out when your Saturn Return is using this Saturn Return calculator from Astro Seek!
There are two time periods to pay attention to:
1) When Saturn returns into the same sign it was at the time of your birth. For example, if you have Saturn in Pisces, you’re experiencing your Saturn Return now. Saturn usually stays in a sign for approximately 2.5 years.
2) When Saturn returns to the exact degree it was at the time of your birth— this is the peak of your Saturn return. For example, if your Saturn in Pisces is at 5 degrees, you would check on a transit chart which date Saturn in Pisces reached 5 degrees. It’s important to note that Saturn does retrograde, meaning that you can have 2 or 3 peaks of your Saturn Return.
Your Saturn Return is the time to wake the f*ck up.
The harsh reality that we can experience during our Saturn Return has us contemplating our lives in new profound ways.
What we once thought was structurally sound, may fall apart and tumble down if it was not stable at all.
If, for example, you’re in a job that doesn’t align— your Saturn return will make this known, may this be through internal conflict or external conflict.
It is therefore, a time to build, and rebuild.
During my Saturn Return in Aquarius, I documented my reflections on Youtube.
I share the most challenging things that were happening to me, and what they taught me.
A common theme of your Saturn Return is the act of reparenting yourself.
Saturn represents authority—and in your birth chart, can show you your relationship to your father. (Yes really!) This can show you how your father acted around you, and how you felt about him.
For example, if your Saturn is in Sagittarius— Perhaps your father was a bit distant, thrill-seeking, and loved learning. He might have traveled a lot, or may not have been present or as available as you’d like. He could have encouraged you to seek more knowledge and helped you develop a grow-oriented mindset. Depending on your aspects to Saturn and the house it’s placed in for you, this would describe your relationship to him, and how you saw him.
I’ll be exploring family dynamics and patterns in my upcoming course.
In traditional Astrology, Saturn is known as a malefic planet— meaning that it is challenging.
Both Mars and Saturn are considered malefic planets.
If you have a night chart instead of a day chart, your Saturn sign would be more challenging than your Mars sign. I’ll be going through this in-depth and what this means for you in my Astrology Foundations course: Shining as your Authentic Self.
Yet it’s good to take note that there are quite a few beneficial things Saturn can bring you. For example, a well-aspected Saturn transit in a relationship can be a sign of marriage, an engagement, or just getting serious in a relationship!
Saturn can show you what you are mastering this lifetime, and where you are an Authority figure! This can greatly help you in your career, as it’ll show you what you can focus on in terms of building your legacy.
How to THRIVE during your Saturn Return
Now— not everyone will have a harsh Saturn Return!
If you’ve done the hard work, while building your life from a place of thinking of what’s best for you long-term—your Saturn Return can be a time of beautiful blessings and things finally coming into fruition!
It’s important to remember that Saturn is a slow moving planet. It prioritizes the long-game. Hard work doesn’t necessarily pay off—yet intentional, strategic work does.
The astrology clients I’ve seen who have THRIVED during their Saturn return have well aspected Saturns (not all, yet some!), have done so much therapy, gotten readings, taken astrology and self help courses, read a lot of inner work books, rewired their subconscious mind, and kept investing in themselves and really prioritized their dreams.
Often times, there’s something they may have had to sacrifice (I know, I hate that word too) to prioritize something else. You can have everything you want—yet it can be tricky to have everything all at once.
Remember to define what THRIVING looks like to you!
We’ll be going through how to use your Saturn sign to your advantage to build a solid foundation in your relationships and career, while feeling more loved, and highly appreciated and in my upcoming course.
What does the “work” look like?
Making difficult decisions you’ve been avoiding (may this be having a hard conversation with a friend, setting a boundary with a family member, or moving when you know it’s going to give you better opportunities.)
Feeling your feelings! No matter how uncomfortable they are.
Prioritizing your mental & physical health.
Committing to partnerships that serve your growth (for example, a Therapist, Mentor or Coach).
Investing in your knowledge and growth (may this be through books, courses, mentorships, degrees, etc.)
Doing the things you say you’re going to do (even if you’re making these promises to yourself).
Thinking about the long-term, may this be through dating, your career, or in your business. This could look like making temporary sacrifices to focus on one area of your life.
Creating a support system for yourself (of friends, family & a community).
This of course, is not a complete list at all!
This is just a starting point.
This can look different based on your Saturn sign, its house, and the aspects Saturn has to other planets in your birth chart.
It’s not bad to have a hard Saturn return— we all experience difficult transits.
Yet it’s how we react to those difficult situations that really define our lives.
You shouldn’t fear your Saturn return!
It ultimately will help you build a life you LOVE— if you put in the work to create it for yourself.
For myself, I had a difficult Saturn return—even though my Saturn is in Aquarius, which is its home rulership. I thought my Saturn return would be easier because I went to therapy, and did everything that was told to me.
Boy was I wrong.
I realized I was self abandoning myself, and doing what other people wanted me to do, instead of doing what I WANTED to do. Yet it helped me realize that I needed to finally launch my astrology practice, which I did at the peak of my Saturn return.
I invested in a few Astrology Mentors and Coaches, took lots of courses, joined a few communities, and really did “the work”.
Having a home rulership for your Saturn (if you have Saturn in Capricorn, Aquarius) or in its exaltation (Libra) is said to be a lot easier, because Saturn enjoys being in that sign. Yet this is not necessarily the case if you have difficult aspects to your Saturn to begin with!
I’ll be going through rulerships of the planets and how to read aspects in your birth chart in my Shining as your Authentic Self: From misunderstood to highly appreciated course.
Just know that, even if you have a hard Saturn return—you can transform that energy into wonderful opportunties by thinking of the long-game!
And it gets to be so so much better!
Saturn Return Journal prompts ✍️
Where do I need to set boundaries in my life?
What have I been avoiding taking responsibility for?
Am I playing the victim in any area of my life?
Am I living the life I want, or the life someone else wants for me?
What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind in this world?
Is this partnership really good for me long term? (Any kind of relationship)
What is WORTH the hard work? What isn’t?
How can I reparent myself?
Where do I have to be more disciplined in my life?
Where do I need to be more nurturing in my life?
Where can I ask for more help?
Saturn Return Affirmations 💖
I take full responsibility for my life.
It is loving for me to set healthy boundaries.
I love and honour myself.
I show up 1% better everyday.
All my work pays off beautifully.
I show up consistently in my work and relationships.
I show up for myself everyday.
I invest my time, resources, and energy into what I value, and know it will always come back to me tenfold.
I trust the Universe always has my back.
I trust myself to make amazing decisions for my highest timeline.
This video goes through what area of life Saturn will affect you, depending on which house it is in your birth chart. This is just a brief overview.
I’ll be diving deeper as to how to use Saturn to your ADVANTAGE in your career and relationships in my upcoming Astrology Foundations course, Shining as your Authentic Self.
We’ll be looking at how to transform difficult, challenging energy (such as aspects to Saturn & Mars) into amazing opportunties to form deeper relationships and a sustainable, exciting career!
This specific course will go through how to take back your power, and go from feeling hopeless in your challenges to being a conscious creator of your life! 👯♀️
You can save 44% during the presale of the course until April 18th!
If you have any questions about the course, feel free to DM me on Instagram!