Libra 2023 Horoscope

Libra 2023 Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Libra, 2023 is going to be an expansive year for you!

This year will have you getting more serious about your day-to-day work, health and creative projects, as Saturn enters Pisces March 7 2023. You might be really working on managing your schedule, and what daily spiritual practices you can implement for yourself. Saturn will stay here until March 2025, helping you set up structures that will benefit you for years to come.

You’ll be ending a chapter when it comes to an income stream, what possessions you own or how you perceive your self worth with a Lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th 2023. The Taurus - Scorpio eclipses have been happening since November 2021, so this story may not be new to you. This could have you donating old clothes, saying no to a job, or finally shifting your mindset to see more of your innate self worth.

Libra, you’ve been learning a lot about investing, loans, wills, shared resources, shadow work, other people’s problems, healing and what intimacy means for you. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth moves into this part of your chart starting May 16 2023, and will stay here for the rest of the year. You might start investing more, or others might start investing more in you. More people might come to you about their problems, or you might start learning more about any past pain and how to heal from it. This is an expansive time to do more mindset work, but also protect your energy.

On October 14th 2023, you’ll have a new beginning in your sense of identity, and perspective on life and the world. You could change up your style, have a new job title, or even a name change. You could identify with yourself in a completely new way. This will have all eyes on you, so be ready for attention!

A Lunar Eclipse in Taurus takes place in this sector of your chart on October 28th, where you’ll be closing out a chapter. This could look like paying off a loan, withdraw an investment, set a boundary with someone, getting a breakthrough on any subconscious fears that have been holding you back, or overcoming a fear of intimacy. This story isn’t a new one, we’ve had a series of eclipses in this part of your chart since November 2021. This will connect the dots to what you’ve been missing.

I know you’ve been through a lot with your family Libra. Pluto, the planet of transformation, survival, has been uncovering and moving through your home and family life since 2008 in the sign of Capricorn. From March 23rd until June 11th 2023, you’ll get a sneak peak of Pluto moving into Aquarius, which will completely transform your creativity, relationship with children, self expression, and dating life. Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn after June 11th, but will re-enter Aquarius in 2024, staying in this sector of your chart for the next twenty years. This could look like you expressing yourself in a way that you never thought was possible, or meeting magnetic, intense people. Be ready!


Libra, you’ve been working hard on your career, and it shows!

You might be getting some really beneficial business contacts with Jupiter in Aries in your partnership sector until May 16th 2023. You’ll have more opportunities to receive more contracts, but remember to double check that fine print. Jupiter energy is optimistic, but can sometimes miss the details, and burn us out. Say yes to the things you really want.

Saturn, the planet of restriction, systems, structures and boundaries has been in a sector of your chart having to do with fun, creative projects, self expression, children and dating since March 2020. On March 7 2023, Saturn will move into your a sector of your chart that consists of your routine, health and day-to-day work. You’ll be getting more serious about building better daily habits, a work out routine, or work boundaries. You might receive more creative work at this time and juggle more projects.


If you’ve been looking to get into a relationship Libra, 2023 might be the year!

2023 is a year of relationships for you!

If you’ve been confused about your relationships because some people have been acting wishy-washy and confused, you’re not alone. Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October 30th 2022, and will finally station direct January 12th 2023. This has greatly impacted your relationship sector. You’ll finally get a more clear answer from people once Mars retrograde is over.

If you’ve found it hard to date Libra, it hasn’t been in your head. Saturn has been in your dating sector since March 2020, and it’s made you get really serious about dating. Come March 7 2023, Saturn leaves this part of your chart, so you might feel yourself loosen up a bit and be more open to just seeing where things go in relationships.

You’ll have a new beginning in your relationship sector with the Solar Eclipse in Aries happening April 20th 2023. You could start a new romantic relationship, business partnership, or connect with a new friend. The north node moves into Aries this year, with the south node in your sign, so you’ll have more focus on you this year.

Libra, you’ll have more opportunties to meet expansive, passionate people at the beginning half of the year, with Jupiter in Aries in your partnership sector until May 16th 2023. With Jupiter in your 1-on-1 sector of your chart, you might be getting more sales calls, going on more dates, or connecting with a lot more people!

Summer of 2023 will have you reevaluating your values, and how you show love and affection around your friendships, community and social media from July 22 to September 3rd 2023 with Venus retrograde in Leo. Relationships can feel a bit confusing during this time, and it might be good to plan a social media detox. Leo rules your dreams, goals and ambitions, so this may be a time where you reevaluate which dreams do you want to keep going after? Are your values still aligned to the future you want to create for yourself? Which communities make you feel heard and safe? This will be a great time to reconnect with old friends, and go down memory lane.

Libra, 2023 is going to be a life-changing year for you! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Key themes: dating, 1-on-1 relationships, investments, loans, intimacy, routine, day-to-day work, health, intimacy, shadow work, subconscious

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