Virgo 2023 Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Virgo, you’re going to have an amazing 2023!

This year will have you growing and gaining opportunities for your investments, loans, healing, shared resources, publishing, spirituality and chances to travel.

Virgo, you spent the last few years getting really serious about your routine, health and day-to-day work with Saturn in Aquarius. On March 7 2023, Saturn moves into the sign of Pisces, your partnership sector, where it’ll stay until March 2025. This will have you getting more serious about your 1-on-1 relationships. You might be meeting more serious partners during this time, and you’ll be able to spot red flags more easily to know who deserves your energy. If you’re already in a relationship, this could be the year you get engaged or finally say “I do”. Saturn will ask you, which relationships are in it for the long-haul? What boundaries are necessary for my growth?

The beginning of the year until May 16 2023 will have your curiosity and focus on reconciling some past pain from childhood, letting go of limiting beliefs, healing patterns of intimacy, and growing and expanding your investments for the future. Jupiter will be in Aries during this time, giving you more opportunties to grow and expand your investments and which are worth it, gain funding, learn new healing methods, and connect to your ancestors. 

Try not to focus too much on other people’s problems during this time. People might be drawn to you to help them through certain difficult matters, just remember, you can help them without claiming that pain as your own.

You’ll have a new beginning in this area of life on April 20th 2023 with a Solar Eclipse in Aries. This might be a time where you make a new investment, gain new resources, receive a gift, move in with a partner, have a subconscious breakthrough or gain a new understanding of any wounds you’re still healing from childhood.

Virgo, are you itching to travel? Jupiter will move into Taurus from May 16th 2023 and will remain there for the rest of the year, bringing in new opportunties for you to travel, publish your work, get a visa, expand your spiritual practice, or take a class.

A Lunar eclipse in Scorpio takes place on May 5th 2023, having you close a chapter with a close friend, sibling, your local neighbourhood, or a communication method. This story isn’t a new one for you Virgo, we’ve been having the eclipses in this area of your chart since November 2021. This might be a time where you feel like you’ve released a past wound around friendship, gained new clarity on your childhood, move, or say goodbye to a communication habit that doesn’t serve you anymore.

On October 28th 2023, you’ll be closing out a chapter when it comes to traveling, publishing, legal pursuits, education, or your sense of spirituality with a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. You could finally publish that blog or book, end your travel visa, finish a course, or hand off any legal documents. 


Virgo, have your bosses, clients or mentors been going back and forth on work with you? You’ll start to feel a bit more focused and clear when it comes to your career, legacy and public image when Mars ends retrograde in Gemini on January 12th 2023 in your career sector. People might finally start making decisions, and you’ll feel a bit more movement forward.

Are you ready for an uplevel Virgo? Pluto has been completely flipped your sense of creativity, dating life and self expression since 2008. From March 23rd until June 11 2023, you’ll get a sneak preview of how your day-to-day life will be transformed, with Pluto moving into Aquarius. Pluto will uproot and uncover what’s working and not working in your day-to-day routine, projects, health, coworkers, so that you’ll be able to create the life you want. Pluto will reenter Aquarius in 2024, and will stay here for twenty years, so buckle up for a rebirth.

On October 14 2023, you’ll have a new beginning in your finances, possessions, values and self worth! A Solar Eclipse in Libra will take place and will call in new energy in this area of life for you. You could gain a new income stream, get a raise, make some big purchases, understand your values in a deeper way, or feel a renewed sense of your innate self worth. Remember, you’ve always been worthy Virgo, and you don’t need to be perfect for it.


Virgo, you’ll be getting more serious about your 1-on-1 relationships this year, especially when Saturn moves into Pisces March 7th 2023. You might be taking dating more intentionally, getting engaged, moving in with a partner, or getting married! You’ll be focused on setting boundaries with any kind of 1-on-1 relationship during this time, may it be romantic, friendship or business. Yes Virgo, more so then what you have been doing already!

Are you aligned in your spiritual connection Virgo? From July 22 to September 3rd Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Leo. This time will have you reassessing how you take care of your mental health, how to cleanse and protect your energy, which generational cycles you’re breaking, and what brings you peace. Venus retrogrades have us reflect on our values, relationships, finances and our artistic expression. You might be reflecting on what spirituality means for you. Are you expressing your authentic self aligned to your values? Do you need more solitude to replenish your energy? Which relationships give growth to your spiritual fulfillment? This will be a lovely time to connect to your relationship with yourself Virgo, and reflect on your growth, which values have changed for you, and which people in your life see you as your authentic self.

Virgo, 2023 is going to be a pivotal year for you, I’m so excited for you!

Key themes: investments, loans, intimacy, ancestors, shared resources, wills, travel, commitment, 1-on-1 relationships, publishing, spirituality, higher education

If you want to get excited and plan out 2023, you can get a 1-on-1 reading with me. Limited spots available.

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