Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

2023 Sagittarius Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Sagittarius, 2023 will be an exciting year for you!

You’ll be getting more serious about your home, internal world and family life come March 7th 2023, when Saturn moves into Pisces. Saturn, the planet of restrictions, stability, long-term vision and boundaries has been moving through a sector of your chart that deals with close friends, siblings, local community and communication since March 2020, and has taught you to get really structured in these areas of life. This shift on March 7th 2023 is one where you’ll start to see the benefit of creating boundaries with family, home life and how you self reflect. What is best for your internal peace long-term? What kind of family do you want to create for yourself? Saturn will stay in this area of life for you until March 2025.

In 2023, you’ll be getting more opportunities to date, have fun, pursue artistic projects and express yourself with Jupiter in Aries from the beginning of the year until May 16th. You could feel like you’re more optimistic around how you creatively express yourself, and might get invited to more parties during this time.

You’ll have a new beginning in this area of your life come April 20th, with a Solar Eclipse in Aries. You might make the first move by asking someone out on a date, start a new creative project, or just have a fun evening out. If you’ve been wanting children, the beginning half of 2023 might be a time of focus in this area for you, or your child can start something new during this time. How have you been holding yourself back creatively? How can you get excited about life?

Have you stopped the negative self talk Sagittarius? You’ll have a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th, which will give an ending or letting go of a cycle that’s been hurting your mental health. This would be a perfect time to prioritize some time for yourself to reflect, meditate, recharge or journal. This series of eclipses isn’t new, and has been happening in this area of your chart since November 2021. This will be a much needed release of any limiting narratives that have been holding you back. Remember, you are worthy of what you desire. 


Sagittarius, you’ll see a lot of day-to-day work opportunities come in for you in 2023, especially after May 16th 2023, when Jupiter moves into Taurus. If you’ve been seeking new projects to work on, a new day job, or just wanting even more beneficial relationships with coworkers, the later half of 2023 is looking promising. With Jupiter in this area, remember not to take on too much, as it can cause burn out. 

You’ll have an ending in this area of life on October 28th with a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, where you might transition into a new position, let go of a project, or say good bye to a coworker. 

With Jupiter in Taurus in a trine to your Career sector, you’ll be getting recognized by bosses or the public for the hard work you’ve been doing, and may be receiving more public recognition near the second half of the year. 


Have relationships been confusing for you Sagittarius? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Mars has been retrograde in the sign of Gemini in your partnership sector since October 30th 2022, and will finally end its retrograde January 12 2023. You could have felt like you kept going back and forth with a friend, business partner or romantic suitor. You’ll start to feel like things get more clear after January 12th.

If you’ve been looking to date Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aries will be in your dating sector until May 16th 2023. This could have you have a lot more options for potential partners! This will be a playful energy to go on some fun dates! Jupiter grows, but remember, you’ll still have to be discerning on who exactly gets your time. If you’re already in a relationship, you and your partner could have some creative adventures or go to parties together!

Sagittarius, you might be reevaluating and reassessing your values around travel, spirituality, publishing and higher education from July 22 to September 3rd 2023 with Venus being retrograde in Leo. Venus retrogrades help us reflect internally on how we express love, manage our finances, and how we see our self worth. Relationships can feel a bit confusing at this time, and it’ll be a good idea to have a discussion with any potential partners around your values. Which travel destinations are aligned to your values? How have you been connecting to your spirituality, and does that still feel right to you? This is a lovely time to be nostalgic with old friends and your community.

Pluto the planet of mass transformation and rebirth has been in your finance, values and self worth sector of your chart since 2008. From March 23rd 2023 until June 11 2023, you’ll get a sneak peak of Pluto moving into Aquarius, which will completely transform your close circle of friends, relationships with siblings, local neighbourhood and how you communicate. Pluto will then will reenter Aquarius in 2024, and will stay in this part of your chart for almost twenty years. Get ready for a rebirth.

You’ll be receiving a new beginning in your friendships, community, dreams and goals on October 14th, with a beautiful Solar Eclipse in Libra. This might be a time where you put yourself out there more in terms of networking, or gain a new goal around your long-term dreams. You could join a new community, realize a new dream, gain a new friend, or put yourself out more on social media. 

Sagittarius, I hope you have a fantastic 2023! I’ll be waiting to hear all about it!

Key themes: home, family, roots, ancestors, inner world, self expression, creativity, dating, fun, day-to-day work, routine, health, friendships, community

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