Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

2023 Scorpio Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Scorpio, 2023 is going to be a transformative year for you!

This year, you’re getting really serious about your creativity. Saturn, the planet of structure, systems, discipline, and boundaries has been in the sector of your chart that rules home, family and your internal world since March 2020. It’s helped you set more boundaries around family, and get more disciplined in being more introspective. This could have felt restrictive for you, as though you wanted to take action around something but wasn’t able to. With Saturn moving into Pisces March 7th 2023, you’ll be focused on creating systems and structures for fun, creativity, dating, and how you express yourself. Saturn will stay here until March 2025. During this time, you might set out to build a website, produce a series of art pieces, become really intentional when dating (maybe make some dating rules?), take dance or swimming classes, or do another expressive project!

If you’re looking to have children, you might start tracking your cycle, reading parenting books, have your eggs frozen or start planning for when you’d like it to happen. If you have children, you might get more structured in teaching them responsibility, art, or how to creatively problem solve.

You’ll have the last series of eclipses in your sign on May 5th 2023 with a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, which will feel like an ending in how you perceive yourself and the world. These eclipses have been happening in your sign since November 2021, and this last one will provide you with more clarity around who you are. This will feel like a huge release!

You’ll have a new beginning in your mental health and spirituality sector on October 14th 2023, with a Solar Eclipse in Libra. This might feel like a breath of fresh air, like you’ve connected more dots together and have more of a plan on how to find more peace. You could start a new spiritual routine, connect to your ancestors in a new way, create a new uplifting belief, or learn a new method to protect your energy.

Pluto, the planet of mass transformation and rebirth, has really transformed your close circle of friends, your relationship to siblings, how you communicate, and your local neighbourhood since 2008. From March 23rd until June 11th 2023, you’ll get a sneak peak of some major transformation when it comes to your inner world. You’ll be transforming your internal sense of self, your home life, your roots, and your relationship with your family. Pluto will then re-enter Aquarius in 2024, and will start a new twenty year cycle.


Scorpio, 2023 has you expanding and growing your day-to-day work! If you’ve been looking for a new day job, or wanting to gain new clients or projects, Jupiter in Aries from December 20 2022 until May 16th 2023 has more opportunties for you! You might be getting new coworkers, creating a new daily routine, or start learning more about improving your health through nutrition or fitness. 

From July 22 to September 3rd 2023, you might be questioning and reassessing your career, public image and legacy based on your values with Venus going retrograde in Leo. This might be a time where you feel more sensitive to reassess how you are seen by others, your bosses, and your reputation. This is a great time to reflect and realign if you’re leaving behind the legacy you want in the world. Do you feel as though you can creatively express your authentic self? Is your legacy one you’re proud of? Are your values aligned with what you are doing? 


Scorpio, relationships have been really confusing and wishy washy for you, especially with Mars retrograde in Gemini since October 30 2022. Remember, Mars retrogrades affect you more since Mars is your chart ruler, so if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, or confused, this is why. This has caused you to reflect on how you take action around your investments, loans, shared resources, shadow work, intimacy, and other people’s problems. Mars finally ends its retrograde January 12th 2023, helping you feel more at ease, and gain more clarity on what kind of relationships are good for you long-term.

We’ll have the final set of eclipses happening in your relationship sector this year, which has given you space to see yourself in a new light. You might be ending or letting go of a friend, relationship or business partner on October 28th with a Lunar eclipse in Taurus. This could also look like finally ending the comparison game with others, if you’ve been doing this. This isn’t necessary a new story for you, as we’ve had these eclipses since November 2021. Remember, this will make space for new aligned people to come into your life! 

With a Venus retrograde happening in Leo from July 22 to September 3rd 2023, you could really be reassessing your relationships, especially with the people you work with. Which coworkers do you need to protect your energy around? Is external validation needed? Are your values still aligned with the people you surround yourself with, and what you do? This is a beautiful time to reflect on your values, and get in touch with old coworkers or friends to reminisce on old memories.

If you’ve been wanting to get into a relationship Scorpio, 2023 might be the year! With Jupiter in Taurus moving into your partnership sector of your chart from May 16th until the rest of the year, you’ll be having more opportunities to connect to potential suiters, friendships, or business parters! You’ll feel extra magnetic and attractive during this time, and can call in new romantic relationships, business partners or friendships.

2023 will be a liberating year for you Scorpio! I’m excited for you!

Key themes: day-to-day work, routine, health, children, creative projects, fun, self expression, dating, 1-on-1 relationships

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