Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

2023 Capricorn Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Capricorn, 2023 will be a year of you expanding your home life, family, inner world, creativity, dating life and self expression!

You’ll be getting more serious about how you communicate, and which close friends are allowed in your life come March 7th 2023, as Saturn moves into Pisces. Saturn, the planet of restrictions, stability, long-term vision and boundaries has been moving through your second house of finances, self worth and value since March 2020, and has taught you to really take care of what you own, your money, and how you see your perceived worth. This shift on March 7th is one where you’ll start to see the benefit of boundaries in your local neighbourhood, siblings, close friend relationships, and methods of communication. Saturn will stay here until March 2025.

From the beginning of the year, you’ll be gaining more opportunties to learn what home really means for you. What makes you feel safe? How do you want your home environment to reflect your passion and drive? Jupiter will be in Aries, helping you expand and grow your home life from the beginning of the year until May 16th 2023. You might decide to move, redecorate, expand your family, or become more introspective around your ancestors, roots, and who you are.

You’ll have a new beginning in your home life on April 20th, with a Solar Eclipse in Aries. You might be moving, expanding your space, redecorating, or just having a new appreciation for whom you call family. With the north node shifting into Aries in 2023, a lot of your focus will be on your internal world, what family looks like to you, what home feels like, and feeling safe within yourself.

Starting May 16 2023 until the rest of the year, this growth in home shifts to growth in your self expression with Jupiter moving into Taurus. You’ll be feeling luckier when it comes to dating options, creativity, and or just having more fun. You might start multiple artistic projects at this time, or feel more optimistic and creative. If you’ve been thinking of having a child, you might make progress in this area. 

A Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio takes place on May 5 2023, having you distance yourself from a friend group that no longer aligns, cross off a dream you no longer want to move towards, or deleting a social media app that isn’t rewarding anymore.  

You’ve been through a rebirth Capricorn, and it shows. Pluto, the planet of mass transformation has been in your sign since 2008. Pluto shifts into Aquarius on March 23 2023, giving you a sneak preview of what’s to come in terms of transforming your income, possessions, what you value and your self worth. Pluto digs deep and uncovers, and this will be a time of uprooting to become more fruitful in receiving abundance. Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn on June 11th 2023, before reentering Aquarius again in 2024, where it will stay for the next twenty years.


Capricorn, we all know you’re a boss. 

If you’ve been a bit confused or going back-and-forth about your daily routine and what you need to get done, it’s because Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October 30th 2022. Mars will end it’s retrograde on January 12th 2023, alleviating some frustration you might have felt around your health, coworkers or day-to-day tasks.

You’ve focused a lot on your career Capricorn, and with the south node moving into Libra in 2023, it’ll become second nature to you. It’s important that career doesn’t become your comfort zone, but I will say, you’ll start seeing your hard work pay off. In 2023, you’ll be shifting your focus on your home life, and what does work life balance look like for you. 

You’ll have a new beginning in your legacy, public image and career on October 14th, with a Solar Eclipse in Libra. This will shine a light on you, Capricorn, and you might be recognizing how you want to portray yourself to society. What do you want to leave behind in the world? You might receive more recognition from the public or bosses during this time, or launch something out to the public!


Capricorn, you might be rethinking your values when it comes to intimacy in relationships come July 22 until September 3rd 2023 when Venus goes retrograde in the sign of Leo. This will be a time of reflection and reevaluation when it comes to shared resources, other people’s problems, your healing journey, investments, loans and secrets. You might gain new clarity on what intimacy really means for you, and which kind of partners support you. Which creative investments are worth it? Whose secrets do you really want to know? How have your values around your healing and intimacy changed? Think of this as an alignment adjustment. This will be a great time to connect with old friends reminisce on old memories. 

How’s your dating life Capricorn? With Jupiter moving into Taurus on May 16th until the end of the year, you’ll receive more opportunties to go out on fun dates. Now, I should say, you’ll still have to be discerning with these people Capricorn, but you’ll at least get more options! If you’re already in a relationship, this can look like going on more fun, creative dates with your partner! This energy also brings more opportunties for more artistic pursuits, amplifying your self expression, and having children! 

On October 28th with the Lunar eclipse in Taurus, you might be letting go of a dating fling, or a creative project that no longer sparks joy. This series of eclipses isn’t new, we’ve had the Taurus - Scorpio eclipses since November 2021, and this will be a closing of a chapter on this story. This will make space for more aligned energy to come into your life.

Capricorn, I’m excited for you to have some fun in 2023! 

Key themes: Home, Creativity, Children, Self Expression, Joy, Family, Roots, Introspection, Communication, Local Neighbourhood, Close friends, Siblings

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Scorpio 2023 Horoscope


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