Pisces 2023 Horoscope

Read for your rising sign first, then sun sign.


Pisces, this is going to be a MAJOR year for you!

You are one of the main characters of 2023!

Pisces, you’ve been working on your mental health, protecting your energy, and releasing limiting beliefs for awhile. Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 2020, really making you disciplined in learning how to heal and release subconscious narratives. Saturn will stay here until March 7th, helping you see how much hard work you’ve put in for yourself.

On May 7th 2023, you’ll be getting more serious on how you see yourself, your health routine, and your perspective on life and the world. Saturn, the planet of restrictions, long-term goals, and boundaries will enter your sign, helping you get disciplined in who you want to be. You might be taking on a lot more responsibility during this time. Others may come to you more for your expertise, and you’ll be seeing how structure is going to help you protect your energy. 

Come May 5th, you’ll feel a closing of a chapter with a Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. You might be moving, finishing a course, wrapping up legal documents or finishing a publishing pursuit. This can also be a time where you finally take that trip you’ve been meaning to take, or go through a spiritual experience. We’ve had a series of these eclipses for awhile, so this won’t be out of the blue. 

On October 14th, you’ll have a new beginning in your shared resources, investments, loans, and healing work sector of your chart with a Solar eclipse in Libra. You might purchase a home, move in with a partner, get the funding you’ve been looking for, or get an epiphany from the shadow work you’ve been doing. 

Pluto, the planet of mass transformation and rebirth, has been in your dreams, community, friends and social media sector of your chart since 2008, completely revamping what you want for the future, and who you hang out with. From March 23rd until June 11th, you’ll get a sneak peak of some major transformation when it comes to your mental health, spirituality, healing and breaking ancestral cycles. Pluto will reenter Aquarius in 2024, and create a new twenty year cycle.


Okay Pisces, you might launch a new career endeavour with Jupiter in Aries from December 20 2022 to May 16th 2023. You could be taking on a new client, or just really making plans on what kind of boss you really want to be. You’ll be learning where you want your money to come from, and how you can set things into motion.

You’ll have opportunities for your finances to increase with Jupiter being in Aries from the beginning of the year until May 16th. If you’ve been looking to make more money, or make new purchases, you’ll have more luck in this area. You’ll also be seeing growth in how you perceive your own self worth. This energy can also make you want to over spend, so make sure you’re checking your cheque book (do people still have those?). A new beginning in this area begins on April 20th, with a Solar Eclipse in Aries. You might invite in a new income stream, make a big purchase, or get a breakthrough in how you’re seeing your own value. This is the beginning of a new cycle with the north node shifting into Aries this year, and these themes will continue moving into 2024.

Come summer, you’ll be focused on reevaluating your values around your day-to-day work, health and coworkers from July 22 to September 3rd with Venus retrograde in Leo. You might be questioning if things still feel fun and creative, and reflecting on if what you’re doing still aligns with your values. Are you able to fully express your authentic self daily? Does your routine reflect what you care about? Does your partner support your need for creativity as a love language? What kind of community are you building? This will be a great time to reflect on the past, and be comforted by old friends and memories.


In 2023, you might be starting to set more boundaries in your relationships starting March 7th, when Saturn moves into your sign, Pisces. This can greatly impact your relationships, as you’ll be getting more serious about who deserves your time and energy. This could look like different things, such as cutting off relationships that no longer align, or committing yourself more to a partner. 

Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th, and will stay here till the rest of the year, which will benefit your close friendships and sibling relationships. Jupiter loves growing and expanding, so if you’re looking to meet a partner, this period of time might be great for you to get to know someone deeper. Your inner circle is growing Pisces, and it’s helping you feel supported!

You’ll be closing a chapter of your life on October 28th with a Lunar eclipse in Taurus, and wrapping up a cycle when it comes to your close friendships, siblings and communication. You might go separate ways or make peace with a friend, get a breakthrough on your communication style, or gain clarity on a relationship with a sibling. This story isn’t a new one, and you’ve had a series of eclipses in this part of your chart since November 2021. Look back to similar themes that may have been happening over the last two years. What growth has it brought you?

Virgo season begins on August 24th, where you’ll have more opportunities to focus on 1-on-1 partnerships, may that be romantic, business or friendships.

I’m excited for 2023 for you Pisces! You’ve got this!

Keywords: Identity, Boundaries, Authority, Finances, Self worth, Perspective, Close friends, Siblings, Communication

If you want to get excited and plan out 2023, you can book a 1-on-1 reading with me. Limited spots available.
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