Leo 2023 Horoscope

Leo 2023 Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Leo, 2023 is going to be a memorable year for you!

This year will give you more opportunities to travel, publish your work, further your education, and receive more public recognition for the work you’re doing in your career!

You’ll be getting more disciplined around your investments, your relationship to intimacy, your shared resources, healing work, and investments starting March 7 2023 when Saturn moves into Pisces. Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 2020, which made you get really serious about your 1-on-1 partnerships, and who deserves your time and energy. You could have went separate ways with someone who you didn’t want in your life long-term, or tied the knot with someone to share your life with. With Saturn moving into Pisces March 7 2023, you’ll be learning to create systems, structures and boundaries when it comes to your shared resources, investments, loans, shadow work, and other people’s problems. Saturn will stay here until March 2025, so get ready for a deep structural overhaul.

Jupiter in Aries at the beginning of the year until May 16th 2023 is calling in new opportunties for you to travel, present your work, deepen your sense of spirituality and learn more! You might be publishing more work at this time, taking a course or class, or hoping on a plane to a new city. You could also be asked to go on a podcast, or present your work at an event. This might also be the year you get through your entire reading list Leo! 

On April 20 2023, you’ll have a new beginning in this area of your life with a Solar Eclipse in Aries. You could publish a book, launch a blog, buy a plane ticket or begin a new course during this time. You’ll start to reflect more on your spiritual journey, and how far you’ve come.

You’ll be closing a chapter in regards to your home life Leo on May 5th 2023, with a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. You could decide to move, redecorate, make time for self reflection, or set a boundary with a family member. 

From July 22 to September 3rd, Venus will be retrograde in your sign Leo. You’ll be reassessing and reflecting on your identity more so during this time. Venus retrogrades ask us to reflect on our values, and for you Leo, you might be reaffirming the value you see in yourself. Are you expressing your authentic self? How are you able to shine? Are you actually putting yourself first? How do you express your creativity? You might have more people reaching out to you during this time to reflect on nostalgic memories. This will be a beautiful time to reminisce, and gain more clarity on how your values have changed.

Leo, you’ll have a Solar eclipse in Libra on October 14th 2023, which is a new beginning in your close friendships, sibling relationships, communication style and local neighbourhood. You might meet a new friend, improve your relationship with a sibling, express yourself in a new way, or do some traveling in you city. This will begin a new series of eclipses in this part of your chart, helping you see who should your inner circle consist of, and how has your communication style can flourish.


Leo, 2023 is HUGE for you for your career!  This is a year where you really get to learn what legacy you’re leaving behind in the world!

From May 16th 2023 till the rest of the year, Jupiter will move into Taurus, giving your career an uplevel! You might be receiving more opportunities at work, having great connections to your bosses and mentors, or just start growing your legacy and reputation. This might be a time where more people are recognizing you for the work you’ve been doing.

On October 28th 2023, you’ll have a closing of a chapter in your career sector with a Lunar eclipse in Taurus. You might be finished with a long-term project, change titles, or decide to switch jobs all together. This series of eclipses have been happening for awhile Leo, so this isn’t necessarily a new story. 


If you’ve been a bit confused with where you stand in a friend group Leo, that’s probably because Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October 30 2022 in an area of your chart that rules your community. Mars will finally end its retrograde on January 12 2023, helping you get clear on which friends do you want to see more of, and which you don’t. 

Has dating been difficult Leo? No, it hasn’t been in your head. 2022 really taught you who deserves your time, and had you focus on setting boundaries with your 1-on-1 relationships. Saturn has been in your relationship sector since March 2020, helping you get serious about which romantic partners, friends or business relationships do you want in your life. This might have been a time where you got more committed with a partner, or had to set a boundary with an energy vampire. Come March 7th 2023 when Saturn moves into Pisces, you’ll have more opportunities to meet 1-on-1 partners, and take that knowledge you’ve learnt in the last two years to apply them. 

Your relationships are about to go through a mass transformation Leo!

Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23 2023, and will stay there until June 11, 2023, giving you a sneak peak around how much your relationships are about to change. This is exciting Leo! Pluto uncovers and unveils what’s hidden beneath the surface, and this energy could call in some magnetic and intense people. Pluto will get back into Aquarius in 2024, and will stay there for another twenty years. Get ready for a rebirth in your partnerships.

Leo, 2023 is going to be a year of massive growth for you, I’m looking forward to seeing you shine!

Key themes: Publishing, Spirituality, Travel, Education, Career, Reputation, Legacy, Investments, Loans, Intimacy, Shadow work, Subconscious, Other people’s problems

If you want to get excited and plan out 2023, you can get a 1-on-1 reading with me. Limited spots available.

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Learn more about your Sun and Moon signs on my Youtube channel here.


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