Cancer 2023 Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Cancer, 2023 will be an exciting year for you!

You’ll be focused on expanding your career, legacy and public image, as well as your community, social media presence and friendships. You’ll be seeing what’s possible for your future this year, and will be feeling so much more optimistic when it comes to your goals, dreams and ambitions!

Have you felt burnt out Cancer? Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October 30 2022, affecting your mental health, sense of spirituality, and connection to the collective. Mars finally ends its retrograde on January 12th 2023, which will help you feel loads better. You might have felt confused on how you’ve been taking care of your mental health, and which direction was best for you to break generational cycles. You’ll gain more clarity on your direction forward after January 12th 2023.

A lot of focus this year for you is getting more disciplined in your education, your publishing pursuits, and any legal matters you need to take care of when Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7th 2023. You might be applying for a visa, getting more disciplined with your spiritual practice, or start a class or degree. You might even want to work aboard! Saturn will stay here until March 2025, so be prepared to build new systems, structures and boundaries when it comes to this area of your life.

In 2023, you’ll be closing out a chapter in how you express yourself, dating, and what fun feels like to you with a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio happening on May 5 2023. If you’re no longer feeling a fling, you might decide to go separate ways. You could be finishing a creative pursuit, or changing they way you authenticity express yourself.

On October 14th 2023, you’ll have a brand new beginning in your home life, idea of family, and inner world with a Solar Eclipse in Libra. You might move or redecorate during this time, decide to grow your family, or gain new information around your ancestry. This is a lovely time to self reflect and learn more about your relationship to yourself.


Your career gets an uplift from January until May 16 2023 Cancer, as you’ll be receiving more recognition for the work you’re doing during this time. Jupiter is in Aries, helping you amplify your presence! You might take on a more leadership position during this period, or bosses and mentors could start complimenting you more!

You’ll have a brand new beginning happening in your career, public image and the legacy you’re leaving behind starting April 20th, where a Solar eclipse in Aries is taking place for you. This is the beginning of a series of eclipses happening between your home life and career, where you’ll notice huge shifts. You’ll be recieving more recognition for the work you’re doing, or launch something into the world!

Cancer, you’ll be reassessing where you’re allocating your money, possessions and self value with Venus retrograde in Leo from July 22nd to September 3rd. How can you separate your money from your self worth? How can you remind yourself you are worthy just as you are? What possessions do you need to let go of? What values are you no longer aligned with? 

You’ll be going through a mass transformation in your shared resources, investments, idea of intimacy, secrets and subconscious beliefs with Pluto moving into Aquarius in 2023. Pluto has been in your relationship sector since 2008, completely transforming your 1-on-1 partnerships, may they be romantic, business, or friendships. With Pluto in Aquarius from March 23rd 2023 until June 11 2023, you’ll get a sneak preview of a rebirth brewing. Pluto uncovers and reveals, so you’ll be learning which subconscious beliefs are still holding you back, how your healing practice can evolve, which investments are worth it, and whose secrets do you need to know. Pluto then will reenter Aquarius in 2024, where it’ll stay there for the next twenty years.


Cancer, if you’re looking to meet someone through a class, on a trip, or your publishing career, there will be more opportunties starting March 7 2023 as Saturn shifts into Pisces. If you’re already in a relationship, this could be making new plans to travel or take a class together, renew vows, or posting each other on social media more often.

On May 16th 2023 till the rest of the year, you’ll be growing your community, dreams and friendships, where you will have more opportunties to network with Jupiter entering Taurus. You might be feeling more optimistic about the future during this time, and really seeing some of the rewards of the hard work you put into your career. You’ll have a closing of a chapter in this area of your life on October 28th 2023, with a Lunar eclipse in Taurus. You might be saying goodbye to a friend group, letting go of a dream that no longer aligns, or deleting a social media platform that hasn’t been rewarding. This series of eclipses isn’t new, and has been happening in this sector of your chart since November 2021. This is the last of the Scorpio - Taurus eclipses, so you might feel more relief with this energy.

With a Venus retrograde in Leo from July 22nd to September 3rd, you’ll be reassessing which relationships make you feel stable and grounded. Who is consistent, uplifting and reliable around you? Which relationships no longer feel aligned? Reflection isn’t a bad thing Cancer, and this energy is beautiful to connect with old friends, and reminisce on past memories. 

2023 is going to be an amazing year for you Cancer! I’m excited for you!

Key themes: education, spirituality, publishing, travel, legal pursuits, career, public image, reputation, legacy, community, friends, goals

If you want to get excited and plan out 2023, you can get a 1-on-1 reading with me. Limited spots available.

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Learn more about your Sun and Moon signs on my Youtube channel here.


Leo 2023 Horoscope


Gemini 2023 Horoscope