Gemini 2023 Horoscope

2023 Gemini Horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


Gemini, 2023 will be a year of growth and expansion in your community, network, mental health and spiritual practice. A lot of your focus next year will be in creating structures, systems and boundaries for your career, legacy and public image.

Have you felt a bit off Gemini? Mars has been retrograde in your sign since October 30th 2022, which could have made you feel confused, burnt out, and frustrated. Mars ends its retrograde in your sign (finally!) on January 12th 2023, helping you get more clear on who you are, your path in life, and your perspective on life and the world. This honestly will feel like a major relief Gemini!

Pluto will move into Aquarius on March 23, where it will completely be transforming your idea of spirituality, education, travel life, how you publish and broadcast your projects, and legal matters over the next twenty years. Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn June 11th, but you’ll be experiencing a preview of what’s possible for you in these areas of life, and it will return in Aquarius in 2024, where it’ll stay for over twenty years. 

From May 16th onwards, your growth shifts into more internal reflection and need for privacy when Jupiter enters Taurus. The later half of 2023 will have you confronting your limiting beliefs, focusing on your peace, and connecting to others through the collective energy. 2023 will bring you a better sense of what is great for your mental health, and what you can do to prioritize it. 

You’ll have a closing of a chapter in this area of your life on October 28 2023 with a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This isn’t a new story for you Gemini, as these eclipses have affected this part of your chart since November 2021. You might finally be letting go of that negative self talk, ending a period of solitude, breaking a generational cycle, or gaining clarity on how to protect your energy moreso.


You’ve been focusing on your public image in 2022 Gemini, and come January 2023, you’ll be prioritizing growing your social media presence, community, goals and network until May 16th with Jupiter in Aries. You’ll have more opportunties to meet influential friends, network, grow your dreams, and receive more paid work from being in the spotlight. This is an amazing time to put yourself out there Gemini! This might be a period where you’re finally seeing some rewards from your career pursuits.

Gemini, you’ll have a new beginning in this area of your life with Solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th 2023. This could look like joining or making a new community, gaining clarity on a new dream, meeting a new friend, or receiving recognition online!

On May 5th 2023, you’ll be wrapping up a chapter in your day-to-day routine, may it be through your day job, a health concern, or relationships with coworkers with the Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. You might be closing out a project, ending a health practice, or gaining clarity on what you actually want to be doing for daily routine. 

A lot of your self discipline last year was on publishing, traveling or broadcasting your talents. Come March 7th when Saturn moves into Pisces, you’ll be taking your career path more seriously than ever before. You’ll be creating more structures and systems on how you want to be seen by the world, and how to get where you want to go in your career and the legacy you’re leaving behind. You might be seen more as the authority figure for so many people to lean on. You’ll be feeling this energy until March 2025, so get ready to set boundaries at work, and create a legacy Gemini!


If you’re looking to date in 2023 Gemini, you might meet someone from a friend of a friend, a networking event, or an online community between January to May 16th 2023 with Jupiter in Aries. You’ll be expanding your friendships, and finding yourself connecting with more fiery, adventurous leaders during this time! If you have a partner, they might be starting their own business, or get into a position where they motivate more people around them.

Gemini, you’ll be reassessing your close friends, local neighbourhood, communication and siblings from July 22nd to September 3rd, with a Venus retrograde in Leo. You’ll be reflecting on your values around all your relationships. Who supports you? Is there open communication around what you truly value with the people closest to you? How are you seen by the people’s closest to you? This will be a nostalgic time to catch up with old friends, look through old childhood mementos, and stroll down memory lane.

On October 14th, you’ll have a new beginning in your dating sector, how you express yourself, and what fun is for you with a Solar Eclipse in Libra. You might be going out on more dates, thinking of having children, or starting a new artistic project! It could feel like you’ve gained new creative inspiration to express yourself through your hobbies or work.

Gemini, 2023 is going to be an expansive year for you! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Key themes: community, dreams, friends, mental health, spirituality, career, legacy, healing, ancestors, breaking cycles, public image

If you want to get excited and plan out 2023, you can book a 1-on-1 reading with me. Limited spots available.

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Learn more about your Sun and Moon signs on my Youtube channel here.


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