Taurus 2023 Horoscope

2023 Taurus horoscope

Read for your Rising sign first, then Sun sign.


All eyes are on you Taurus! You’ll be one of the main characters in 2023! 

Taurus, let’s be real, you’ve been through it. Saturn has been squaring your sign for the last two years, which has caused you to feel tense and restricted, and you’re ready for more change (even if you hate it). You’ll feel more relief when Saturn exits Aquarius on March 7 2023.

The beginning part of the year really has you receiving opportunities to connect to your sense of spirituality, ancestors, understand your limiting beliefs, and what peace means for you. Jupiter will be in Aries during this time until May 16th 2023, having you prioritize your mental health. You could be getting breakthroughs during this time on how to break certain cycles that have been holding you back, or how to better connect to the collective energy.

This year, Jupiter will move into your sign on May 16th and will stay here till the rest of the year, helping you feel more expansive, optimistic, and growth-oriented! You could feel much more magnetic till the the end of 2023, as though you’re finally in a renewed sense of self!

The north node moves into Aries this year, making you shift your focus on prioritizing your energy and mental health. You’ll have a spiritual new beginning on April 20th with the Solar eclipse in Aries, where you can feel more restored by focusing your mental health more. This would be a great time to meditate, rest, journal, and say no to any obligations you know will drain you.

You’ll be reassessing your home life this summer Taurus. Come July 22nd, Venus in Leo will be retrograde until September 3rd, making you redefine what home and family truly means to you. Do you feel creative where you’re living? Who makes you feel at home? Do you feel like you’ve been able to be seen as your authentic self? 


You’ve really stepped up in your professional career Taurus, as you were really trying to build more structures and systems when it came to your career since March 2020. You’ll be continuing to do this in 2023, where you’ll be seen as a leader in your discipline in some way.

Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7th, which shifts your prioritizes to creating more structures, systems and boundaries to grow your network, may it be through social media, online communities, or networking events. Saturn will stay here until 2025, and will help you get more disciplined in achieving your long-term goals and dreams, even though we all know you’re quite disciplined already Taurus.

You’ll be going through a mass transformation in your career Taurus, and you’ll get a sneak peak of it with Pluto moving into Aquarius from March 23, 2023 to June 11, 2023. You’ll start to see how you’ve been going through a rebirth around how people see you, the legacy you’re leaving behind, or the career path you’re working towards. Pluto will return back into Aquarius in 2024, and will stay here for approx. twenty years, so buckle up for change!

You’ll have an exciting new beginning in your day-to-day work, happening on October 14th 2023 with the Solar eclipse in Libra. This could bring in some new partnerships for collaboration with work, and will bring in a nice shift in energy between you and coworkers. You could feel like you’ve found out a new health regime that works for you, or just feel as though your relationship with you pet has flourish even more.


Relationships have been quite confusing for you Taurus, especially since the end of 2022. Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October 20 2022, and has made you reevaluate which relationships are stable and grounded for you, as well as your finances, self worth and values. You’ll be able to get more clarity on where you stand in your partnerships when Mars turns direct in Gemini on January 12th 2023. Finally!

You’ll be having a closing of a chapter in your relationship sector during the Lunar eclipse in Scorpio, happening May 5th 2023. This could look like a growing apart or ending of a friendship, romantic partnership, or business partner. These eclipses have been happening in your sense of self and your relationship sector since November 19 2021, so this story isn’t new. 

With Jupiter in your sign from May 16th until May 25, 2024, you’ll feel more magnetic, and this may have more people flocking to hear your perspective and opinion. You’re growing your sense of self worth and value, and who really deserves your time and energy. This is great time for your relationships Taurus, and might make you feel like you want to put yourself out there more if you’re looking to date.

Taurus, you’ll be reassessing how you approach relationships and showing affection with Venus retrograde in Leo from July 22nd to September 3rd. Since Venus is your chart ruler, this retrograde will affect you more, and will have you reassess your values when it comes to not only your home, how you view yourself and your self worth, your relationship to money and art.

It’s recommended to hold off on major relationship decisions during this time, but this will be a fantastic time to reconnect and reminisce with old friends, especially if you’re down to host a dinner party.

2023 is going to be a MAJOR year for you Taurus, I’m so excited for you!

Key themes: community, dreams, goals, spirituality, collective energy, isolation, peace, healing, self, identity, self growth

If you want to get excited and plan out 2023, you can get a 1-on-1 reading with me. Limited spots available.

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Learn more about your Sun and Moon signs on my Youtube channel here.


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